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The 8 things your Remote DBA fails to do [ whitepaper ]

“I don’t do windows.”

Where have you heard this saying before?  Maybe from a 70’s television show or a Willy Nelson song?  Not only is it a popular saying, it’s also a good thing to be up front about the job at hand.  It’s like saying, “I’ll clean the house, but I have limits, and I’m not going to break my neck falling out of your window.”  If only your Remote DBA Service Company were so direct, you would know which tasks they had covered and which ones they didn’t.

We surveyed dozens of companies from small and medium sized businesses to the Fortune 100 and a common theme arose that really surprised us.  The responses we got inspired us to write this whitepaper which we are pleased to share with you.

  1. “They don’t train my staff”
  2. “They aren’t proactive”
  3. “They don’t give me good reports”
  4. “They didn’t protect me from a licensing audit”
  5. “They don’t give me good reports”
  6. “Their DBA’s aren’t skilled enough”
  7. “They aren’t keeping my patch levels up to date”
  8. “They don’t care about my applications”

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